Sunday, June 9, 2013

Back from the Cinema: Star Trek Into Darkness

Well, finally a sequel to the 2009 Star Trek film. Even though that film was far from the best Star Trek, it wasn't bad and it did warrant a sequel. I watched it yesterday at the cinema, and thought I'd make a short review in a new segment I call: Back from the Cinema, where I review new movies.

What can I say, it wasn't terrible. I'd say it's okay. I have avoided the reviews, but I suspect some might give it a negative review. If that's the case I can see why. The lensflare, the worst thing about the 2009 movies was still a problem. I hated the stupid light everywhere. It should be called Lensflare the Movie 2. Otherwise the story was okay, definitely not the best Star Trek story, but neither terrible. The best thing about the movie was Benedict Cumberbatch. He did an awesome Khan. A very different Khan than the one in old Trek, but still a great performance. He had a very threatening aura, and you knew he'd be ruthless enough to do about anything. I'd say this movie is worth a watch just for that performance.

Otherwise much of the movie is just meh. The worst thing is probably that they replicate the touching "Spock sacrificing his life to save the ship" scene from Wrath of Kahn, just with the twist that Spock and Kirk switch places. It felt forced and dumb. They even had Zachary Quinto make Shatner's legendary KAAAAHN scream. Doesn't work coming from Spock's mouth at all. I laughed out loud in the cinema when it happened. It was stupid. I would probably rank this movie a little lower than the 2009 movie. Again, it's not terrible, and Cumberbatch is an awesome Kahn. It's just not really great either. There has been worse Star Trek movies, but there has also been many better ones.


  1. For all the hardcore Star Trek fans out there who were dissatisfied with the first film for not paying homage to the original series enough, they don’t need to worry because there's enough fan service here for die-hard fans to enjoy. Good review.

  2. At least it has less gaping plot holes than the 2009 movie. Although plot holes is a proud Star Trek tradition.
