Friday, January 4, 2013

B- Movie Review: Hundra (1983)

Hundra, sounds like Swiss word or something. Wouldn't know can't speak Swiss. Anyway this is as Sword and Sorcery movie from the early 80s (when loads of them apparently were made).

So our movie begin with the Narrator. The Narrator this time is an old woman and she tell you that the women got enough of the laziness of the male sex and moved into the forest and became nomads. That is if you believe the Narrator, usuallu they are just full of shit. I never believe them anymore. Of course with leaving all men behind the women soon faced a tiny little problem, they couldn't reproduce. So they basically went back to the men now and then for a lay, and then returned to their tribe when they become pregnant. That's actually kind of an awesome arrangement. The men get all the fun but no responsibility. Women Liberation Yay! Of course they also give up all male children. That's going to bite them in the ass sooner or later, since then the World will run out of men soon. And if you from this information guessed this is one of those fake feminist movies, you would be right. A fake feminist movie is a movie that pretend to have a feminist message while still being aimed towards a male audience.

The  main character is Hundra (played by Laurene Landon) and she is the best warrior in the tribe, and a good huntress too. She just likes to kill stuff and has no wish to make any children. One day Hundra goes out hunting and of course then a group of EVIL MEN attack. And suddenly you wonder if Hundra wasn't only the best warrior, but the only warrior, since the village seem to be undefended. Of course there are other warriors and they show up, but then it's already the middle of the raid. Where were those warriors when the raid begun? Why weren't they protecting the village? The scene where Hundra's 13-year-old sister kills several full grown bearded warriors is awesome though, of course this is followed by a less pleasant scene were said sister get raped. One thing about the raid I can't understand though. The men's plan to kill all the women is quite short sighted. With all women dead they'd never get any in the future, and that also means they just doomed the whole human race. Of course the human race would still have died since no one were raising boys, but now they just sped up the doom drastically.

So yeah, Hundra is the only survivor and this is kind of an revenge film, which of course all fake feminist films really are. But this is just kind of since the whole revenge theme get derailed later. The early fight scenes are just brutal which sits well with the tone of this movie. Revenge flicks need this merciless brutality for it to be believable. Hundra also have two side kicks, her horse and a bitch named Beat (as in female dog). But then the story get derailed, Hundra goes to see a Wise Woman who lives in the mountains, and the Wise Woman tell her she must let a man knock her up, which makes sense since she's the last woman in the world. Her first trial is to face a tribe of Midgets, led by Midget Braveheart! Perhaps the Midgets will rule the World now when the human race is doomed? NUDE RIDING scene, don't tell me this movie wasn't aimed towards young men. BOOBS!

Eventually she find the Land of the Men. Wait, there are women here... what.... I don't understand, weren't all women suppose to live in that tribe in the forest? PLEASE EXPLAIN. Anyway, the first man she finds is indeed A REAL MAN, he drinks, whores and eat and never washes! He's such a prime example of manliness that she can't handle it and instead of fucking him she end up kicking his ass., Silly woman, you won't have any children if you don't know your place. One thing can be said about that man though, he sure knows how to TREAT A WOMAN. So she end up in the city, there's a slapstick fight scene, which doesn't go well with the earlier grittier and brutal tone. She goes to the Temple to learn the womanly ways, apparently this society is lead by a priest and a  couple of chieftains who come to the temple to enjoy the young courtesans there. Hundra also falls for a fruity healer, which shouldn't be a surprise. She would want to be the dominant partner in bed after all. The bad guys are the Priest and his Adjutant, and the adjutant is fucking awesome with a lot of juicy lines.

The story is confusing, but there are a lot of strong well made scenes. The story suffers from an unclear narration in the beginning (the lying narrator all over again), and also the problem that it can't decide whether it is a hard ass brutal revenge story or a lightly themed story about a barbarian woman trying to get laid. Thus also both the brutal fight scene and the slapstick fight scene. Two different tones that don't belong in the same movie. Laurene Landon is awesome though, she plays the role well, and dominate the scenes. She has a very good screen presence and can show the right emotions for the emotionally strong scenes in this movie. And those scenes are where this movie is at it's best. it really nails them.

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