Saturday, November 23, 2013

Back from the Cinema: Thor the Dark World

Our favorite Norse God is back for some more Hammer Time! And it's good. In the same way the first Thor movie was good. It's an okay movie. It has problems, but it is entertaining. Some of the problems are the same one the first movie had. Thor is the least interesting character in the cast, Nat Portman's character is kind of bland etc. The strengths are very much the same strengths as the first movie too. Anthony Hopkin's portaryal of Odin, Tom Hiddleston's Loki, Stellan Skarsgård, Thor's three sidekicks and that warrior chick that probably would be a better love interest for Thor than Portman.

The main bad guy in the movie is played by the 9th Doctor Christopher Ecclestone. And he's not very interesting. More of a typical bad guy that want to destroy the World for some ancient bullshit reason, and has the personality of a cucumber. He work well as a plot device, but badly as a character. The real interesting villain is of course again Loki, that pretty much steal the show from all the other characters. Nat Portman is also more of a plot device in the movie. She get some dar maguffin inside her and need to be protected from the evil 9th Doctor that need the maguffin to destroy the world. Typical damsel in distress storyline. But the action scenes are great and satifying. The battles are intense, and that's really what you need from an action flick about a dude with a hammer. Other things that work well is Skarsgård as the comic relief, although pantless Skarsgård became a little bit too much at times. They kind of overdid that one.

I'd liked to see more of Thor's sidekicks as well as of that Warrior Chick, they felt underused in this movie. If they do Thor 3 I hope to see more of them. I also hope they next time have a bad guy that's more interesting than the 9th Doctor was in this one. Loki is good and all, but I like all my villains to have personality and character. And give Thor some character too. He is the main hero, and still the least interesting of the whole cast. But the movie was good. Not great, but definitely worth a watch. Basically if you liked the 1st Thor movie you'll like this one too.

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