Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Munrovember-cember: Captain Kronos- Vampire Hunter (1974)

 Yes, we continue the Munro theme with some Hammer goodness. And by that I of course mean a 70's vampire movie made by the legendary studio known for, well 70's vampire movies of course! The movie begins with a young innocent girl being attacked by a vampire! How original! But it is with a twist! Instead of the victims dying or becoming vampire from the bite, they just age alot. Of course they die moments later, but still. You see, there are many species of vampire, and this one drain the youth of it's victims in order to stay young.

So, then we are introduced to the Captain himself. Captain Kronos is a war veteran (since it's oldie old times it could be the Crimean War or the Taiping rebellion or something) who ride around with his hunchback sidekick and kill vampires, and is just all in all an awesome dude. He is played by German actor Horst Janson (more German name than that
 doesn't exist).  His sidekick is called Professor Grust and is played by John Cater, one of those "that guy" actors you often see playing minor roles on British television. Anyway the soon find Munro, who plays Carla, who is a devious criminal who has committed the most un- Christian of acts, namely dancing on a Sunday! Munro and Kronos of course quickly become lovers. The trio meet up with Dr. Marcus, an old friend of Kronos from the war, who called Kronos and Grust there in order to tackle the vampire
 threat in his village.

Holy Shit! Victim number two not only got old, she became a dude!! But yes, this movie has a quite high body count with a quite active vampire hunting the young and innocent. And even if you quickly get to know from where the vampire comes, and to which group of people it belong, the movie still manage to throw out enough red herrings for you not to be sure which of the suspects is the vampire before the very end of the movie.

Munro once again play the token girl, the obligatory love interest, and her role is once again pretty much just to look beautiful. There is nothing wrong with that. She looks stunning as usual. The acting in this movie is not spectacular. It's not wooden, but neither really memorable. Probably because the director and the screenwriter didn't give the actors something that challenging to do. Still the movie is quite enjoyable. You however don't really get to know Captain Kronos that well, which is a pity, the movie is about him. You are left wanting to know more about him and see more of his adventures. It's really a pity there were no sequels. All in all the movie played it quite safe. An enjoyable watch, but nothing really memorable. Maybe that's why Hammer never did a Kronos 2. Still, I can recommend a watch, it's not bad, just not so good that it's worth more than one look.

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